Elk Point CALP

Community Adult Learning Program (CALP)

CALP (Community Adult Learning Program) provides Adult Literacy and Foundational Learning opportunities in communities across Alberta with funding from Alberta Advanced Education.

CALP services include

  • English language instruction
  • high school equivalency exam preparation (GED prep)
  • basic computer skill assistance or classes
  • support for adult students enrolled in Portage College's academic foundations program
  • foundational literacy and numeracy education

In Elk Point, the CALP is provided and administered through Portage College.  The CALP coordinator, Sandie Bishop, is a fully qualified, experienced secondary and adult education teacher.

CALP is flexible.  Instruction begins where the learner needs it, and progresses at the learner's pace.  A learner can work individually or in a small group, in person at the library or online.  Meetings can be one time only or on-going.  Most books and other materials are supplied, so there is minimal cost to learners.

For more information, email Sandie at sandra.bishop@portagecollege.ca, phone her at 780-614-6368, or inquire at the library.